Jan Hornát is the Head of the Department of North American Studies at Charles University and fellow at the Peace Research Center Prague. He currently focuses on US foreign policy, transatlantic relations, and the role of status and prestige in international relations. He has been a member of the “VirusImpact” team of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, which examines the geopolitical impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Before joining the academia, he was Head of Unit at the Department of European Programs of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic.
The Visegrad Group and Democracy Promotion: Transition Experience and Beyond (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
Democratization through education? Theory and practice of the Czech post-revolution education system and its reforms, Communist and Post-Communist Studies 52 (3), 2019: 271-281.
Transatlantic Democracy Assistance: Promoting Different Models of Democracy (London: Routledge, 2019).
Transatlantic “Othering”: European External Action Identity and the Trump Administration, Studia Europejskie – Studies in European Affairs 23 (1), 2019: 27-42.
Closing the closing space: sustaining democracy promotion in European foreign policy, Global Affairs 2 (3), 2016: 273-285.
The power triangle in the Indian Ocean: China, India and the United States, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 29 (2), 2016: 425-443.