The journal Ibero-Americana Pragensia of the Center for Ibero-American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, follows the principles of professional and ethical rules of publication in scientific journals.
Duties of the editorial collective
- The editors, editorial collective and international advisory board are responsible for the selection of texts published in the journal.
- Unpublished texts may not be used by any member of the editorial collective or international advisory board without the express consent of the author.
- The editors, editorial collective and international advisory board follow the relevant legal regulations concerning issues of defamation, copyright infringement/violation and plagiarism.
- The editors provide information on submitted manuscripts only to their authors, reviewers and members of the editorial collective and international advisory board.
- When selecting texts, the editors, editorial collective and international advisory board are guided solely by the content of the texts, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship, age or political opinions of the authors.
Duties of authors
- The author guarantees the originality of his text. All works by other authors used in the text are provided with a citation or bibliographic reference.
- The author offers original text that has not yet been published elsewhere. Providing the same text to more than one journal is understood as an ethical transgression contrary to the principles of academic work and as such is inadmissible.
- The author is aware of the fact that plagiarism is a crime and a violation of the rules of academic conduct.
- The author is responsible for the linguistic and stylistic level of the text. If the text is written in a foreign language, he is obliged to ensure linguistic proofreading, unless otherwise agreed with the editors.
- If the text contains an image or document attachment, the author is obliged to ensure and state the copyright.
Duties of reviewers
- Scholarly studies, short articles and essays are subject to double-blind peer review. The publication of texts is therefore decided by professional reviewers, editorial collective and international advisory board.
- Communication between professional reviewers and authors is mediated by the executive editor and the editorial collective.
- Peer reviews are elaborated factually. Reservations to the text are formulated clearly and supported by arguments. Reviews are without personal criticism of the authors and their work. It is inadmissible to comment on the race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship, age or political views of the authors.
- The review is written in the evaluation form available here: INSERT FORM. The reviewer will deliver the signed review to the editorial office by email: or the address: Center for Ibero-American Studies, Hybernská 3, Prague 110 00.
- The reviewer will write a review in a language understandable to the author.
- The reviewer is obliged to point out the similarity of the reviewed text with previously published texts.
- The reviewer must not judge texts whose review enters into a conflict of interest, i.e., they must not be in a direct working or personal relationship with the author or institution that participated in the creation of the text.
- The content of texts, in whole or in part, published or unpublished, may not be further used without the express/expressed consent of the author, neither by the reviewer nor by the editors or the editorial collective and international advisory board. Likewise, any personal and professional information obtained during the review may not be used.
- All texts provided to the editors are considered confidential. Their disclosure to third parties without the express/expressed consent of the author is inadmissible.